"To transform graduates into competent, dedicated, and sincere teachers who will serve the student community with love and truthfulness." This vision aims to produce student teachers who are academically sound, well trained, dedicated and determined to serve the community and nation at large. Thus, we act with the spirit of dedication and commitment to build a value-based, productive and devoted society.


  • To create an awareness among the students about the challenges in the global educational scenario, the psychology of students and teaching methodologies.
  • To equip the students with knowledge of educational technology, evaluation methods, and innovative teaching-learning procedures.
  • To ensure that future teachers have the skills required to meet global standards.
  • To inculcate the right value systems among the future teachers so that they become responsive to the changing needs of society and the environment.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

PEO1: Learn about human development, current Indian education, and the pedagogy of various faculty subjects, as well as assessment for learning.

PEO2: Develop an abstract understanding of education provisions and skills for operating with youngsters with varied disabilities in special and inclusive settings.

PEO3: To spot the special desires of youngsters and develop confidence in them to comprehend their potential and talents to satisfy national development with self-respect, dignity, and freedom.

PEO4: Enhance information and skills for skilled development.

Program Outcomes (POs)

PO1: Teaching competency: recognize, select, and apply learner-centered teaching strategies; comprehend paradigm shift in conceptualizing disciplinary information in the class syllabus; necessary competencies for organizing learning experiences; select and apply appropriate assessment methods for facilitating learning.

PO2: Pedagogical Skills: Using teaching skills and dealing with classroom issues

PO3: Teaching in Nonconventional Modes: Developing an educational system that reinforces each learner's ability to mass, retain, and remodel information, resulting in a knowledge society through inventive, experiential, and joyful modes of learning.

PO4: Computing Integration in Education: reshape the educational landscape by providing open access to high quality, value-based, and socially relevant education to all by leveraging AI's turbulent potential.

PO5: Essential Thinking: Analysis of syllabus, construction of blue print, choosing applicable teaching ways consistent with desires of scholars and conducting action analysis to resolve schoolroom issues.

PO6: Effective Communication: Presenting seminars in front of peers and lecturers, as well as active communication skills gained through various linguistic activities and applied to higher schoolroom communication.

PO7: Content Analysis: Analyse the textbooks and programmes.

PO8: Effective subject Ethics: perceive completely different values, morality, and work and settle for responsibility for society.

PO9: Social Resilience: perceiving social entities and modifying them to tolerate, absorb, and cope with adverse life conditions.

PO10: Physical Development: Use yoga, self-defense, sports, and scouting to your advantage.

PO11: Team Work: modify to figure as a member or leader in various groups and in multi-disciplinary settings by following the principles of cooperative learning, cooperative learning and team teaching.

Programmes Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

PSO1: Adapt to events in physical, cognitive, social, and emotional areas; current problems and academic policies of the Asian education system; teaching-learning strategies; strategies; philosophy of education; college management; skilled ethics; and observation of activities by school location.

PSO2: Recognize individual differences among students; measure achievement; evaluate progress; and assess learning abilities; direct programmes and administer psychological tools; ICT-based communication, teaching, and lesson planning.

PSO3: Practice teaching in faculties, drill the important experiences of schoolroom teaching and on-line teaching for remote areas’ students by mistreatment of ICT and its completely different tools and software packages.

PSO4: Understand the schoolroom diversities and modify them to subsume various learners in a comprehensive schoolroom setup, education for human rights and women’s rights, environmental education, and developing online content.


The Pratap University is one of the best private universities in Rajasthan and has recognition and approval from the National Council for Teacher Education. The course structure and curriculum for B.Ed. (Two Year) for all optional subjects are designed as per the NCTE Norms and Framework. The course will follow the Non-Semester (Yearly) System as per the Regulations of Pratap University. The course possesses all professional criteria, including in-service teaching practice with practical examinations for all years. It has been rendering invaluable service to teacher education. The qualified faculties who have been appointed for the purpose will handle these courses. Ample infrastructure facilities have been provided to create a conducive academic ambiance for the student teachers.

This institution has been the hub of academic activity, training young teachers and conducting in-service programmes for serving teachers. Students from this college are serving in schools throughout the state. Elementary education plays a very important role in a person’s life and the development of the nation. The need to train teachers has increasingly been resized in India. Education here means academics coupled with a conducive and friendly environment, new-age technology, interactive assignments, sports and activities conventionally referred to as "extra-curricular". This is a place where teachers will treat you like an adult, an individual, and not just a student. You will have the freedom to explore the world. You will have your own space to think, to be creative and to discover yourself. The values of Pratap University are:
    To provide value-based education
    To train capable and dedicated teachers
    To develop teacher educators into effective educators.
    To train effective administrators
    To ensure the all-round development of student teachers
    To develop sensitivity towards emerging issues i.e. environment, population, gender equality and legal literary
    To encourage inclusive education
    To develop awareness and attitude towards global trends
    To develop soft skills and life skills
    To develop IT savvy students and develop e-culture in the institution.

Salient Features

Pratap University, one of the pioneers in education, is a safe heaven for students. Apart from the academic development, they learn life skills, which go a long way in shaping both their career and life.

Similarly, identifying the need and demand for technology-based teaching, the School of Education is also offering certificate courses on various techno-pedagogies for the duration of 3 months for both in-service and pre-service teachers.


The B.Ed. programme is a professional course that prepares teachers for upper primary (classes VI-VIII), secondary level (classes IX-X), and senior secondary level (classes XI-XII). The B.Ed. programme shall be of duration of two academic years, which can be completed in a maximum of three years from the date of admission to the programme. The programme consists of three broad curricular areas: Perspectives in Education, Curriculum and Pedagogic Studies, and Engagement with the Field and School Internship.

The specialization offered in B.Ed. is:
    Biological Science                                        Mathematics
    Biology                                                          History 
    Chemistry                                                     Hindi
    Computer Science                                       Home Science              
    Commerce Practice                                    Music
    Civics                                                            Physics
    English                                                          Psychology
    Economics                                                    Sanskrit
    General Science                                          Social Studies
    Geography                                                   Sociology
    Physical Science                                                                  